Open Source Redis Cluster SupportΒΆ

RedPipe supports Redis Cluster.

import rediscluster
import redpipe

r = rediscluster.StrictRedisCluster(
    startup_nodes=[{'host': '0', 'port': 7000}],

redpipe.connect_rediscluster(r, name='my-cluster')

This api isn’t quite as clean as the one for connect_redis. I’m not able to easily instantiate the StrictRedisPipeline with only a connection pool. It’s possible in the 1.3.0 or greater version, but older versions present a challenge. I am relying on you to always pass StrictRedisCluster. In future versions, I may be able to correctly detect the version of redis-py-cluster you are using. We’ll see. For now, this should work well enough.

If it doesn’t work for your use case, you can build your own connector by passing a callable function to redpipe.connect. It expects something that creates a pipeline object with a similar interface as that offered by the redis-py pipeline. Use at your own risk.