Automatic Pipeline Execution ============================ By default, you must call `pipe.execute` for the commands to be sent to redis. With the `autoexec` flag, you can save a step: .. code-block:: python with redpipe.pipeline(pipe=pipe, autoexec=True) as pipe: foo_count = pipe.incr('foo') print(foo_count) Notice we are using the `with` control-flow structure block. As you leave the block, it triggers the `__exit__` method on the pipe object. If the autoexec flag was set, the method verifies no exception was thrown and executes the pipeline. Otherwise, you must call `pipe.execute()` explicitly. There's even a wrapper for this because it is used so often: .. code-block:: python with redpipe.autoexec(pipe=pipe) as pipe: foo_count = pipe.incr('foo') print(foo_count)